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EAL / Support for Learning

Empowering students through personalised learning support

We believe in providing equal opportunities for all students to succeed. That's why we offer comprehensive support for learning and English as an Additional Language (EAL) programmes, aimed at helping our students reach their full potential, and giving them the confidence to succeed.

Support for Learning (SfL)

The Support for Learning (SfL) Department is referred to when students require additional learning support. The aim of SfL is to provide students with skills and strategies to be lifelong learners, as well as giving them confidence in their own learning.

The OIS advantage of SfL:

  • Support classes are small, allowing for individualised attention
  • Communication between teachers is frequent, and services and progress continually monitored.
  • Areas of focus can include study strategies, time management strategies, and organisational strategies.

In Primary, students can receive up to 4 lessons of support weekly. These lessons may be provided in the regular classroom or in smaller groups based on student needs.

In Lower Secondary and Pre IB, students are given four lessons of support each week, equally divided between mathematics and literacy.

In Upper Secondary, students can take advantage of these services up to four lessons a week on a tutorial basis.




Our son has thrived in the EAL program. Personalised support has given him confidence and friends. Thank you for investing in his future.

- Primary Parent

English as an Additional Language (EAL)

Children for whom English is not their first language may, if necessary, have additional English lessons with an EAL teacher. The EAL course of study for the Primary School aims to help students develop all of the four language skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing.

EAL teachers expose students to vocabulary which assists them with participating in mainstream classrooms. EAL instruction is developmental, allowing students to acquire English to their full potential at a pace appropriate to their age and developmental needs. EAL operates on a withdrawal (pull out) system, where students work in small groups outside of the mainstream class.