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Skills for Life

Developing skills and attitudes to make the most of life

We recognize the importance of understanding and appreciating the interconnectedness of the world, and of fostering the development of skills and attitudes needed to lead meaningful and fulfilling lives.

Our intercultural learning opportunities, reading programme, language classes, and co-curricular activities promote empathy, open-mindedness, and a global perspective, vital for building meaningful relationships across cultures and leading a fulfilling life. In addition to academic and global citizenship skills, we also place a strong emphasis on the importance of physical education and the arts for a well-rounded education. 

Co-Curricular Trips

Nature is key to the Norwegian way of living and quality of life. OIS takes advantage of this to enhance the educational experiences of our students and to promote inter-cultural and international awareness. 

Global Citizenship & Service Learning

Service learning and global citizenship are integral to the curriculum across all year levels at OIS. We aim to inspire our students to be internationally minded global citizens–active in a changing and challenging world.

Science &Technology

Recognising the potential of science nad technology, we give science and technology a key focus. As well as dedicated science and computer labs, OIS has an exciting makerspace with state-of-the-art facilities.

Language & Literacy

We recognize the importance of fluency in English as a key element of personal and intellectual growth, and foster a love of books through our engaging reading programme.  

Create & Perform

Our Creative Arts Programme promotes 21st century skills in visual arts, music and drama, elevating the artistic potential of our students and balancing the academic curriculum.

Fitness & Sport

Our dedicated coaches and PE teachers run a comprehensive sports programme aimed at buidling physical fitness, self-esteem and valuable life skills.

Whether in their future careers, or personal lives, we want our students to navigate the world with confidence and make a positive and meaningful impact.