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Service Learning & Global Citizenship

Striving to make the world a better and more equitable place

Our Service Learning and Global Studies programmes empower students to become internationally- minded citizens.

Students gain a deep understanding of the pressing global issues of the 21st century, and learn how to make a positive impact on the world.

OIS citizens in action

Service Learning is an integral part of our curriculum across all year levels. The programme, which runs across all year levels, provides a unique opportunity for students to engage in meaningful experiences that bring their learning to life and inspire a lifelong commitment to making a difference.

Our students participate in an evolving service learning programme from Pre-School through Upper Secondary, with a structured approach introduced in Year 7 and built upon through to Year 11 (Pre-IB). By the time they reach 12th grade (IB1), they are well prepared for the CAS (Creativity, Activity and Service) element of the IB programme, which they cover in their final two years of school.

A dedicated Service Learning Director and CAS Coordinator connect our students with local and global non-profit organisations, and guide them in many exciting initiatives within and outside of school, often cross-division. With a focus on issues from human rights and equality to recycling and conservation, our students work towards a more sustainable and equitable future for all. 



Often, we suffer from paralysis of enormity, resisting action because we think some problems are too big to tackle. At OIS, we help our students see that small steps in the right direction can have a ripple effect that lead to positive change. 

- Ryan Gray, Service Learning Coordinator

Thinking global...

In Global Studies, a deeper understanding of global issues is developed, along with key skills such as research, negotiation and leadership. Students learn about a wide range of issues including the United Nations, human rights and the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Philosophy and ethics also play a crucial role in shaping students' perspectives and critical thinking, allowing them to make independent judgments and tackle complex problems with multiple solutions.

As future ethical international citizens, students study globalization and the 10 biggest challenges facing the world today, while also considering their own carbon footprint and the impact of their lifestyle choices. 

...and in touch with real world issues

At OIS, we believe in fostering global citizens who are knowledgeable, engaged and responsible. That's why we offer a variety of opportunities for our students to connect with the global community and learn about real-world issues. Our guest speaker programme brings in experts from NGOs such as Doctors without Borders, the Inter-African Committee and Amnesty International, to share their insights on service-oriented topics and careers.

In addition, our students have the opportunity to visit local organizations and see first-hand the impact of their work. These experiences help our students understand the importance of global citizenship and inspire them to make a positive difference in the world.

Beyond bricks and mortar in Mozambique

Every year, our Upper Secondary CAS students travel to Mozambique to collaborate on an ongoing community project with Bobole, a rural community on the outskirts of Maputo. 

Bobole school provides education to more than 800 children. Its facilities are very basic, with a small number of covered classrooms, and teachers have few or no resources. Most of the lessons are taught outdoors under the hot sun or in the rain. In collaboration with the American International School of Mozambique (AISM), our CAS students have made significant contributions over the past several years, and have helped build several classrooms and community facilities.

Through various student- and teacher-led fundraising initiatives, the OIS community has also raised funds to support the installation of a much needed water pump.

Beyond their bricks and mortar contributions, our students have a unique and valuable opportunity to immerse themselves in the vibrant culture of Bobole, forge deep connections and gain invaluable insights into the power of empathy and global citizenship. This has to be one of the highlights of their senior years, and the experience of a lifetime!

Bobole, Mozambique


As well as helping to transform lives in the local community, our students return from Bobole with a deeper appreciation for the importance of their actions and the limitless potential they have to make a positive impact in the world.

- Jesslyn Feginn, CAS Coordinator

Extending a helping hand through fundraising

We place fundraising in a context of learning, in order to broaden the knowledge and understanding of its importance throughout the school. We limit our focus to a few main charities, which are recognisable and tangible for all of our students–irrespective of age.

By doing so, we allow even our youngest to develop an emotional connection to the initiatives we support. We also need to be certain that our contribution truly matters and actually reaches those in need of help. Through direct contact, and hands-on initiatives, we aim to create a lifelong commitment to helping those in greater need than ourselves.

We are proud to call our students global citizens in action.